Category: Makana Municipality
By Thozi Ngeju: Makana Coordinator 2017 is dawning. With that, the test to see if our hard work has paid off. We’ve had a few workshops with some choice Makana Municipality personnel. Their input...
By Mwazvita Machiri: Project strategist and evaluator Effective communication is the key to improved service delivery. We live in an era where new technologies are being created and realized everyday. More effective ways are being...
By Joshua Osah: Project strategist and evaluator As we look forward to the launch of MobiSAM in the first quarter of 2017, there is significant optimism that the effective use of the application will lead...
Keeping a close eye on the local elections and political developments in Makana over the past week, I find myself in a situation where I am trying to understand the realities of the current...